my carrd ! > x


[REDACTED] y/o, he/him, au/eng, discord is >_Spacy.exe

DNI! racists, homophobics, australophobics, sexists, etc
BYI (before you interact)! remember to ask me why you're dming, use nice comments and so on. respect me.

favs! music, sleep, games, friends, holidays, red apples, yukki, yunane/mochi and flinane, my silly friends >>>, etc.

yes! music, friends, movies, shows, michael jackson, games, water, etc

no! justin bieber, schoolwork, teachers, racist people, annoying people, needles, wasps, etc

others! dms are opened, but do not send scam links, NSFW, or spam in my DMs. in australia, I am from New South Wales and i am in sydney atm. timezone is GMT+10.